How I Recovered from Bells Palsy

How I Recovered from Bells Palsy
Three days after having my baby my mouth starting tingling. I really didn't think much about it until the next day when I drank some water and it fell out of my mouth. My husband looked at me and said " what's wrong with your mouth"? I had no idea, I just knew something wasn't right.  I was scared, concerned, and exhausted all at the same time. 

Within hours I got worse. My speech was becoming slurred and my face looked very funny. I went to the emergency room, they asked me lots and lots of questions. Having just had a baby they were concerned but I still wasn't sure why. After six long hours, pumping for my baby in the nurse's break room I decided to leave. It was 11 pm at night and I had a newborn to go home to. I was breathing fine and I wasn't getting treated for an emergency so the decision was easy. 

The next morning I returned to the emergency room. With a new set of eyes and a few hours, we had a diagnosis. Bells Palsy! I had never heard of this or maybe I had but didn't know what it meant. I learned that this is not uncommon after just having a baby, although this was my seventh child, and never experienced this. The doctor explained that a nerve right behind your ear DIES. That's right dies. He made this sound so grim like my face was going to be crooked my whole life. He said your nerve may or may not grow back we just have to wait and see. 

I cried the entire way home ( 45 minutes). I was scared and not sure what to do. Thankfully by the time I got home I was calm enough to remember I have nature's medicine in my cabinet. I have Essential Oils. So I started researching and found a lady that used oils on certain places of her body to help regrow her facial nerve. I also turned to acupuncture. Twice a week for six weeks, I saw the acupuncturist and used my oils. 

These pictures are from day two on the left and about four weeks into my recovery on the right. I am happy to say I am fully recovered. 

Why are Single Mothers Great

Why are Single Mothers Great
I became a single mother at the age of 16. Yes, I know much too young but this was the path I chose. By the age of 21, I had three children. I worked, went to school, and raised my children ALONE. It was hard. I remember right after having my third child crying on my front lawn so overwhelmed and stressed out. I felt like walking away. I knew I wouldn't but the feeling was there.

My mother would say my friends always comment how proud they are of you. I was just doing what I knew I had to for myself and my children. There was no other way. No one was helping me financially. I had to work to support us and I felt like going to school was a must. 

Single mothers are great because we keep going. We can be tired, stressed, sick, or overwhelmed and we keep going. Our children don't know we are struggling. Why, because we keep going and never show them. This is why single mothers are awesome to me. 

Mermaid Hair

Mermaid Hair
Who has been losing hair faster than it grows back? 

Or, have you noticed a change in your hair? It's not as thick anymore.

I'm going through postpartum hair loss. Overnight it was gone.

But I knew I'd be ok. I have the tools to help me out. By implementing just three things my hair is growing back. 

If you're interested let me know I can help you out.


Ditch and Switch

Ditch and Switch
Ditch and switch with our plant based cleaning product. Thieves cleaner has so many uses its amazing. You can rest assured while using Thieves cleaner you are not bringing harsh chemicals into your home, you are saving money while using a plant based product and you are boosting your immune system. 
Thieves cleaner is a concentrated, versatile solution that gives you a deep cleaning without harsh chemicals. Safe to use around all members of your family, including pets. Suited for just about every surface in your home from carpets, floors, counters, glass, walls and more. Its non-abrasive solution leaves your house smelling great without leaving residue behind. Thieves cleaner is also safe for septic systems.
I use thieves cleaner for every cleaning project in my house. It smells amazing  and I feel so much better knowing toxic chemicals are not being used in my house or around my family.